When you get into a car accident, making sure you get all the details about the incident down accurately is probably the last thing you want to do.
However, it’s still something you have to do, especially since you’ll need to report it to your insurance company. It may help you get the money you need to repair any damage to your vehicle, pay for the treatment of any injuries you sustain, and even protect you from increased insurance rates. But where do you start?
Here are the four things you should do if you get into an automobile accident, straight from the experts at Williams | Boxie Law.
Check yourself and your passengers for any injuries. If you’re able to move, your next priority is to get out of harm’s way, especially if the accident took place on a busy street or freeway.
Move your car to the side of the road, if possible. Otherwise, leave the car where it is and move yourself and your passengers out of the street.
Once the police arrive, the responding officers will need your cooperation to file an accident report. If they can’t meet you at the scene, you can also visit the nearest police department to file a report yourself.
You’ll want a copy of this report, as it may help with the claims process with your insurance company.
Although you can gather more information if you deem it important, you’ll usually need the following pieces of information:
To corroborate your story, you’ll also need to document the scene of the accident as thoroughly as you can. Some details you’ll need to have with you include:
Once you have this information down, you’re ready to call your insurance company to start the claims process.
When you need to speak to a lawyer after your automobile accident, there’s no better place to turn to than Williams | Boxie Law in Baton Rouge, LA. In addition to serving as an excellent personal injury attorney, Williams Boxie also specializes in car accidents and elder abuse cases.
Since our firm’s establishment several years ago, we’ve won or settled hundreds of personal injury cases, winning many awards for our efforts along the way. However, don’t think our experience ends there. Williams has more than 50 years of experience practicing law, giving him the confidence, knowledge, and resources needed to approach his work.
If you think we’d be a great fit for your case, we’d love to talk! Book your consultation by filling out the contact form on our website. On the other hand, if you have any pressing questions or concerns about our services, you can reach our team directly by calling 255-755-9288.